Download Film Arisan 2 Indowebster

Download Film Arisan 2 Indowebster

Download Film Arisan 2 Indowebster Rating: 7,8/10 3623 reviews

Eight years have passed since the first 'Arisan!,' much has changed in the lives of Sakti (Tora Sudiro), Meimei (Cut Mini), Andien (Aida Nurmala). Even Lita (Rachel Maryam), has decided to settle down in Jakarta. Nino (Surya Saputra) has agreed to Sakti's request to take a break on their relationship. Amidst the chaotic sequence of events in Jakarta, Meimei decides to pack her bags and head to Gili island, Lombok, to immerse herself in nature. 100 Meimei's choice arouses the suspicion of her four friends, and after a while, Sakti, Nino, Lita, and Andien, are forced to face the reality that Meimei is not merely going on a prolonged retreat, but that she is in fact struggling with something much more serious. This film is about a group of high achieving friends in Jakarta who discovers something sinister is going on with one of them who goes off to seek a quiet life.

I have not watched 'Arisan' so initially it was hard to follow the huge number of main characters. It is not helped by the inadequate introduction to the characters in 'Arisan! The first half of the film is a good look into the socialite world in Jakarta, full of vanity and superficiality. Life is about the pursuit of beauty, wealth and of course relentless gossip. In the second half, we get to see why Meimei goes off to a tranquil island, searching for a higher purpose in life. This life is a big contrast to the socialite life portrayed earlier, but it seems more fulfilling, authentic and satisfying. Through a reunion (what Arisan means), the friends revisits what is important to them. Ventura acoustic guitar serial numbers.

I can see that the filmmakers tried hard to make the film good. The sets are nice, the costumes are glamorous and the scenery of Gili island is amazing. The only thing to improve is the pacing, I think it can be sped up a little. Overall, 'Arisan! 2' gives you food for thought as to what friendship is about.

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Adalah sebuah satir mengenai kehidupan di Jakarta. Film ini dirilis pada. Menjadi salah satu dari hanya dua film yang berhasil memenangkan kelima penghargaan utama dalam, yaitu Film Terbaik, Pemeran Utama Pria Terbaik, Pemeran Utama Wanita Terbaik, Pemeran Pendukung Pria Terbaik, dan Pemeran Pendukung Wanita Terbaik, setelah ditahun 1986. Pun menjadi salah satu dari hanya sedikit dari film yang dinominasikan untuk seluruh kategori yang dapat diikuti oleh sebuah film dalam FFI. Menjadi ajang mereka berkumpul dan memperlihatkan kemapanan hidup mereka. Padahal di balik itu semua, mereka mempunyai masalah-masalah pribadi yang berusaha mereka tutupi. Seperti Sakti () dari keluarga Batak, yang merupakan seorang gay.


Andien () berusaha membalas dendam suaminya yang selingkuh. Meimei () berusaha keras untuk memenuhi obsesinya yaitu memiliki anak. Sampai pada suatu titik di mana sebuah persahabatan yang sejati dari tiga karakter utama dalam film ini bisa menembus tembok keterasingan mereka.

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