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Here is a little bit from the book and don’t forget you can also get this in Audio form I have listened to this and his other audio books very good, The book takes you through each of these steps and more, Pioneering physicist John Wheeler once said, 'If you haven't found something strange during the day, it hasn't been much of a day.' 'For a scientist, what could be any stranger than discovering that by simply watching our world in one place, we've somehow changed what happens somewhere else? Yet this is precisely what the rev- elations of the new physics are showing us. As far back as 1935, Nobel Prize winning physicist Albert Einstein acknowledged just how unsetling such quantum effects can be, calling them 'spooky action at a distance.' In a paper that he coauthored with noted physicists Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen, he stated, 'No reasonable definition of 2 reality could be expected to permit this [action at a distance].'

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Today, it's precisely these bizarre anomalies that have ignited a powerful revolution in the way we think of ourselves as well as the universe. For the better part of the 20th century, scientists struggled to understand what quantum strangeness is telling us about the way reality works.

It's a documented fact, for example, that human con-sciousness influences quantum energy— the stuff everything is made of— under certain conditions. And that fact has opened the door to a possibility that pushes the limits of what we've been led to believe about our world in the past. A growing body of evidence now suggests that these unexpected results are more than just isolated exceptions. The question is: How much more? Belief Code 1: Experiments show that the focus of our attention changes reality itself and suggest that we live in an interactive universe.

Belief Code 2: We live our lives based on what we believe about our world, ourselves, our capabilities, and our limits. Belief Code 3: Science is a language—one of many that describe us, the universe, our bodies, and how things work. Belief Code 4: If the particles that we're made of can be in instantaneous communication with one another, be in two places at once, and even change the past through choices made in the present, then we can as well. Belief Code 5: Our beliefs have the power to change the flow of events in the universe—literally to interrupt and redirect time, matter, and space, and the events that occur within them. Belief Code 6: Just as we can run a simulated program that looks and feels real, studies suggest that the universe itself may be the output of a huge and ancient simulation—a computer program—that began long ago.

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