The Commerce Game Exposed Pdf

The Commerce Game Exposed Pdf

The Commerce Game Exposed Pdf Rating: 6,5/10 5402 reviews

This book has been called by many 'the best complete basic instruction manual concerning this process.' It gives a complete view of the process by itself or can be used as a supplement to any other material on the subject. People have commented that reading this book made understanding some of the more exceedingly complicated (and exceeding expensive) manuals more understandable. The Commerce Game EXPOSED cuts to the chase. We give you the details of the basic process (as used in IRS matters) and explain the process step by step. There is a detailed overview that explains how the fiat credit/debt system depreciating your labor, property and value today systematically replaced America's lawful money guidelines.

Do you know what the difference between 'paying' a debt and 'discharging' a debt is? After reading The Commerce Game EXPOSED you will. This book is not for everyone, but we feel that whether you will be learning about this process and the situation concerning the monetary system just for learning's sake or you plan to utilize the concepts in a practical way you will not be disappointed. The Commerce Game EXPOSED is only $25. US +$2 S&H ($27.

Total) The American Way c/o 6500 Shadow Glenn Eagle Point, Oregon [ 97524 ] PHONE: (541) 826-9050 FAX: (810) 885-1842 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An Article The Commerce Game EXPOSED by TAV Published in the July 1999 issue of Volume II - Issue 7 What if one day a handful of powerful bankers, armed with their bought and paid for lawyers and politicians, decided to replace the system of commerce the way was presently conducted? Not so bad, you may say. Everyone simply adjusts to a different system and business moves on. I would normally agree. However, what if only a very small number were told about the change? What if the vast majority were first distracted from the change and then systematically 'educated' into believing that no change had even occurred? That might not have been so bad eitherif those in control truly had the vast majority’s best interests at heartor even in view.

Of course if they had deliberately and systematically kept the vast majority ignorant, and unable to learn otherwise, it would then seem 'our best interests' were not being considered. The underlying reason for this is very simple: royalty, by blood or by power, needs slaves to exist. A man can be enslaved by many different means. Thoughout time, the powers that be have developed a well balanced formula of high-profit, low-maintenance slavery. Although there are many different elements to this ‘formula,’ ignorance is the key. What better slave than one who believes he is actually free? In 1933 the system of doing business in this country was changed.

Before that, time debts were paid by gold: either coin or gold backed currency. To introduce gold into commerce, it must first be mined. Mining requires labor. That labor is what gave gold coin it’s intrinsic value. Labor is energy. The value of gold was fixed, it was not a fluctuating commodity as it is today. Then a financial ‘emergency’ occurred – either caused by the simple greed and corruption of the banking/investment moguls or, by their design, for larger purposes.

The government created the Strawman in order to engage us in their Commerce Game. The Strawman's name is similar to ours, only it is in upper case letters. It shows up on everything you think identifies you, but the identification is government-issued.

It is important to realize that this is the time period in which the welfare state was instituted, socialism was integrated into America, and a large shift in wealth occurred. Many, many individuals became very, very wealthy as a result of the 'financial emergency.' On April 5, 1933, President Roosevelt issued an Executive Order 'forbidding the hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion and gold certificates' and attached the penalty of a $10,000 fine or up to 10 years in prison.

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'Hoarding' was defined as more than $100 in gold. Then on June 5, 1933, the 73rd Congress, 1st session, passed H.J.R. 192, which stated within its title '.to suspend the gold standard and abrogate the gold clause.' At this time I feel it important to include the definition of ' abrogate,' as found within Black’s Law Dictionary, 4 th edition, p. 21: 'To annul, repeal, or destroy; to annul or repeal an order or rule issued by a subordinate authority; to repeal a former law by legislative act, or by usage.'

The Commerce Game Exposed Pdf
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