Buku Tauhid Zindani Pdf

Buku Tauhid Zindani Pdf

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Kitab at-Tawheed Jilid 1 Abdul Majid Aziz az-Zindani Ilmu Tauhid Definisi: Membahaskan perkara yang membuktikan kebenaran akidah Islam Berdasarkan sumber aqli dan naqli. Tutorial aplikasi bt.

Thanks to Wawa yang bersemangat meng'intro'kan buku 'Kitab Tauhid Diperakui Oleh Fakta Sains' dikarang oleh Abdul Majid Aziz Az-Zindani. Bought this book at Fajar Ilmu, situated on the 2nd floor of wisma yakin building.(I love this place!!!mcam tak nak balik bile di sane.nanti nak bwk hubby.insyaAllah).this place is like heaven of books.:) by the way.baru sampai page 137 out of 437 pages.hehe.quite a long way to go.頑張ります! sebenarnye before i tend to forget about this interesting fact that live up my reading, better write it down.nanti sure lupe. When i was in Japan, i met with an Ukhti from Morocco.named sana'.and she taught me a lot about.emm.lotsa of things.(there u go.! I pasted your flag in my blog!! You should thank me for that!hehe) we argued a lot and we have different kind of opinions part of the time.but from here.she kinda triggered me a lot of things of what life is all about. There was once we had a trip to Kyoto together.for me.Kyoto is a place full of temples or shrines.of buddhism and shintou. Yes.it is a beautiful place especially during autumn (秋).very beautiful indeed.but almost 90% of Kyoto's attraction are temples and shrines.

We were wondering.didnt God send someone for these people.?and Sana' said to me maybe God did send someone.a prophet. Unfortunately.over the years.all the taught has been manipulated by people with less knowledge.over-worshipping maybe?(statues of prophets built for remembrance and then worshipped?).additions in ibadahs maybe?or was it just because of the interest or greediness of human being? (only God knows what really happened).

But what was written in Zindani's book in page 12o.did God sent prophets for specific ummah only?meaning.would Allah sent Islam only for Arabs.of Bible only for westerners? And Zindani said 'No.not an ummah is left without a prophet spreading good news for good deed, warn for the wrong-doers and guidance towards the path of rightness. And only God knows the exact amount of prophets who have been sent. When i look at religious all around.there are some practices which are similar to practices in Islam.but obviously have been contaminated somehow.for example, the red indian people or buddhists placing food in their so called 'tokong'.sacrificing something for God isn't it?isnt that comes from the history of Prophet Ibrahim and Ismail.where Allah replaced a sheep/goat instead.nevertheless.those without knowledge might think that we Muslims sacrificed the animal for God to be eaten?or something worse than that but in fact.God stressed in the Holy Quran.

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Thanks to Wawa yang bersemangat meng'intro'kan buku 'Kitab Tauhid Diperakui Oleh Fakta Sains' dikarang oleh Abdul Majid Aziz Az-Zindani. Bought this book at Fajar Ilmu, situated on the 2nd floor of wisma yakin building.(I love this place!!!mcam tak nak balik bile di sane.nanti nak bwk hubby.insyaAllah).this place is like heaven of books.:) by the way.baru sampai page 137 out of 437 pages.hehe.quite a long way to go.頑張ります! sebenarnye before i tend to forget about this interesting fact that live up my reading, better write it down.nanti sure lupe. When i was in Japan, i met with an Ukhti from Morocco.named sana'.and she taught me a lot about.emm.lotsa of things.(there u go.! I pasted your flag in my blog!! You should thank me for that!hehe) we argued a lot and we have different kind of opinions part of the time.but from here.she kinda triggered me a lot of things of what life is all about.

Buku Tauhid Zindani Pdf
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